Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The light that only morning can give.

Good morning everyone.

Its effin hot outside today, i literally wake up sweatin today. Especially this week, the hot weather, the early morning chores that i gotta do before i go to work, the traffic jam is like slowly eating me up. Okay, before i get to the story, i have to tell you this first:

1st of all, my office is kind of far from where i live; second one, the fastest way to get to my office is through a street where it has to be 3 person in 1 car (3in1 rule only applied on weekdays from 07.00am-10.00am and 5.30pm-07.00om); the third one is if i wanna be home no later than 7pm, i have to get home by motorcycle; fourth, if i take my car to the office i have to wake up at 6-ish in the morning, and gonna be home most likely by 8.

So the story is actually simple, its just about what came across my mind if i wanna work out but i don't wanna spend my money to go to the gym that i'll be rarely go to, probably on 2 or 3 times a week. And also, save my time so i can do something else if i don't have to go the gym after work.

If i wanna lose weight i gotta work out, but when is the best time to work out with that kind of busy schedule mainly because the traffic in jakarta is the worst in the world, literally.

If wanna go the gym, i have to spend 500k every each month and get home late twice every week, and half of my weekend i spend it on a gym. There's 12 months in a year, so it'll cost me 500k x 12 = Rp. 6.000.000,-. ($465 more or less) That sound like a lot right? i mean you can save up the money instead.

So this morning, i take my car to the office and on my way, in a traffic jammed, i think to myself, i ussually get up at 5.30 in the morning to do morning prayer, so i think i can manage to take a morning run afterwards. Right? i can save a lot of time, save a lot of money, and still get to be healthy and most likely lose my weight.

It came to me, because i was thinking time is so precious these days, its hard enough to manage to take this time to do this and that, family, work, friends, a me-time. Can you imagine? just only by letting yourself to get used to waking up early in the morning could give you so much more than money? it'll give you more time to spend with your loved ones after work and on weekend instead of going to the gym.

So wake up early, take a morning run and just by doing that you will realize how much positivity it will gives you. Not only you can save up your money to spend but also gives a extra time to do something else afterwork and on weekends, Just by getting up in the morning and start doing your chores.

I hope this gives you inspiration to wake up early, at least no later than 7am in morning.

Good day to you all.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Imagination based on Books.

First of all, i'm gonna tell you up front that i'm not like one of those book-worm definition kind of person, well.. my sister love her books. She literally have all the books thats in the house to herself and read all of it and on the other hand my brother loves comics so i'm surrounded by siblings who loves to read. Okay now, this is my perspective of imagination based on Books.

A couple of things that will relate to my imagination when reading a book is:
1. My dream guy, usually a bearded guy, handsome to my enjoyment
2. Places i've been to, or seen on tv.
3.. What people do on tv
4. What i do on daily basis
5. What my co-workers do
6. What my bestfriend look like
7. The celebrity that i love
8. and a lot of other things

but.... sometimes the person that a book describe doesn't have a face in my head, like all black just like the mystery man that The Detective Conan comic book illustrated it. why? because i'm a native Indonesian, but i love reading books thats in English language and because my lack of knowledge of words that is used by the writer sometimes prevent me to describe fully in my head, like the word "damp" or "impugning" that is used by the writers in "Let it Snow" book by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle. So in order to fully describe as like what the writer hope for us to describe it, i googled the meaning of that word, sometimes i have i oxford dictionary to my side while reading Harry Potter series cause its english literature is very different with US english, much harder in my opinion.

When you read a book, you can't help yourself from imagining things like what the book describe. The specific that the book describe to you, either its a place, a scenery, a person, a mug, a car or even the snow or even the feeling of wind touching your skin in a breezy summer morning by the Ku-De-Ta beach in bali where the sun has just risen and there's that guy in a white t-shirt and a light brown cream pants walking his dog.

Okay, will you please tell me what you just imagine just now in the comment box below? how was the Ku-De-Ta beach that i just describe in your head? What dog did you see? How's the guy? is he handsome? bulky? short hair? long hair? bald?

I personally whilst typing that description, the first thing i imagine was the sky was a gradation from dark yellowy to bright blue sky with just enough clouds up above, lights that comes from the sunrise, and from my camera in my head i was on the corner left and its directing to my right to see this handsome guy with a hair like a fresh-from-the-bed ryan reynolds in his white tee and his long pants like the model in Britney Spears' video clip titled "Sometimes" playing with his dog. The dog was a golden retriever.

For some of you who never been to Bali and never heard of  a place called Ku-De-Ta probably wondering with a struggle with picturing what the landscape looks like, but for some of you who have been there.. maybe easier to recall the place landscape or probably the first thing you remember is what the restaurant and the lounge looks like in your head.

Imagination in our head is depends on the person who imagine it. So the leading character in a book can have many faces and wearing many different clothes according to people imagination. I think that is cool. So can you imagine how hard it is to make a movie based on a book? the fan of the book will have a high expectation for what its gonna be like, y'know what the movie gonne be like. Imagination in our head will always be better than what  the movie described because the imagination in our heads is based on the things that we love to see or imagine, so the Books will always be better than the Movies.

I love imagining things, daydreaming like Walter Mitty, playing images in my head, oh how i love doing that, in my head i can be this super awesome hollywood director. Well, thats my perspective of Imagination based on Books, how about yours?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Love in a form of music.


Who doesn't love music? right. Okay so let me tell you a story about music from my point of view.

One time i was in Bali, i sit on a beautiful beach, sitting facing to the ocean where the sun is setting and my mind automatically play this music in my head (yes with my mind, not with a music player), "I Love You My Hope" by Hird, at the time i was feeling broken hearted from a lingering post break-up thing, it sucks, but somehow i like to tortured my self by listening to sad songs when i'm sad. I know right? what a weirdo, but still, somehow those thing that i did, it helps me get thru my feelings.

Ok, let me break it down for you:

Music is my life, eventhou i'm not a composer nor a song writer, but i like to think of myself that one day i'll be able to write music of my own, composing music arrangement of my own. But we'll get to that later, i'm gonna leave it just as that for now about writing music.

Music is the sound you hear not only with your ear but also with your heart and one cannot hear music without brain. Its a beautiful things, it can touch you in so many ways unlike a physical contraction that you use to see between one person with another.

Music not only played by an instruments and music player, you can also play music in your mind as if you're listening to it. The sound of that music can only be heard by you and when that music is playing, you feel that certain things with all your five senses, music can make you dance and sing, you can even smile because of that music. 

By all means, music is so strong that even the crappiest sound of music still does things to you, all of you, you get angry because its so shitty that makes you wanna hate it, ok hate? right. It makes you wanna talk shit about the artist that sing it or play it, i'm sure each and everyone of you have that one song that you just hate so much. So if you wanna feel a glimpse of love, just turn on your favorite song and if you wanna know what hatred feel like, just turn that shitty song.

Ok, enough about music from my perspective. What about yours? your perspective, i wanna know how you see music.